Blockchain Infrastructure Preparation

Token and NFT Contracts

In order to establish a robust and decentralized gaming experience, the Age of Elysium team has diligently prepared the blockchain infrastructure, including the creation of token and NFT contracts. These contracts serve as the foundation for the in-game economy and the unique digital assets that players will interact with.

Token Contract (ERC20):

The token contract, based on the Ethereum network's ERC20 standard, has been meticulously developed to ensure seamless and secure transactions within the game. The ERC20 token provides players with a standardized unit of value that can be earned, traded, and utilized for various in-game activities. It serves as a medium of exchange, allowing players to acquire resources, upgrade their settlements, and engage in economic transactions with other players across the continents.

NFT Contract (ERC721):

The NFT contract, built on the Ethereum network's ERC721 standard, empowers players with the ownership of unique and indivisible digital assets. These non-fungible tokens represent various in-game items, land properties, rare collectibles, and other valuable assets that players can acquire and trade. Each NFT is distinct and irreplicable, providing a sense of exclusivity and ownership within the Age of Elysium universe.

By utilizing the power of blockchain technology, the token and NFT contracts ensure transparency, immutability, and decentralized ownership. The smart contracts execute predefined rules and conditions, enabling secure and trustless interactions between players without the need for intermediaries. The contracts have undergone rigorous testing and auditing processes to ensure their reliability and functionality.

The Age of Elysium team is committed to providing a seamless and immersive gaming experience, and the blockchain infrastructure, comprising the token and NFT contracts, plays a crucial role in facilitating a vibrant and dynamic in-game economy. With these contracts in place, players can confidently engage in resource trading, asset ownership, and the overall progression of their journey in the Age of Elysium.

Please note that the blockchain infrastructure is constantly evolving, and the team will continue to monitor and implement upgrades and optimizations to enhance the gameplay experience and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Age of Elysium ecosystem.

Last updated